[#bugs] based on a source code check for wiki purposes, Resheph's age-at-death seems to ...

Issue #6758 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: gnarf

Message (jump):

<Soron> based on a source code check for wiki purposes, Resheph's age-at-death seems to be inaccurate by about 5 years (or maybe off by 4, if babies are age 1 in Qud). the lore shown to the player doesn't have enough info to notice this, but while cross-referencing a timeline given by the wiki against what the code says, we noticed that his calculated age is 211 when he dies, whereas the text given says 216. I'm not sure, though, whether this is a case of an intentional inaccuracy, or if it's a stale calculation in the string literal.
(see also: https://discord.com/channels/214532333900922882/755598171685519420/1003064754056740886 and https://discord.com/channels/214532333900922882/755598171685519420/1003156163233337394)

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