[#bugs] [tomb of the eater spoilers, so I'll spoiler-tag this for the Discord's sake] ||...

Issue #6765 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<Soron> [tomb of the eater spoilers, so I'll spoiler-tag this for the Discord's sake] ||if you inscribe the Mark of Death onto a limb, then wander off and get that limb dismembered before coming back to talk to Herododicus, their dialogue still sounds as if you have the Mark of Death inscribed on you, since you can choose to tell them "I bear the Mark. Entomb me!" (either that, or they're even more trusting than I initially thought, lol). the quest step "Ascend the Tomb and Cross into Brightsheol" is also not marked as complete, if you continue on to the Thin World with no Mark of Death. the quest still completes as normal after that point, thankfully.||

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