[#bugs] extradimensional esper weeps and fungi seem immune to many mental mutations, lik...

Issue #6833 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: evil helado

Message (jump):

<warwar> extradimensional esper weeps and fungi seem immune to many mental mutations, like sunder mind and pyro/cryokenesis, (though reflected sunder minds still damage them, and they are frozen by cryo) This is odd, as supposedly all extradimensional assasins have targetable minds, for example robots can be sundered.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    it’s because the targeting can’t go for things that are rendered on the floor. happens with flower hunters and so forth too

  2. Jason Grinblat

    Sunder works for me but pyro/cyro completely ignores fungi/weeps. Probably shouldn’t even when they aren’t mentalists.

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