[Bug] Calls of XRL.World.ZoneBuilders.Music.BuildZone() cause a out of memory crash when multiple different track were previously loaded

Issue #6862 resolved
Gokudera ElPsyCongroo created an issue

See for more details --> https://www.reddit.com/r/cavesofqud/comments/x86qmb/modding_editing_music_quickly_fills_memory_and/

I patched Music.BuildZone() using an Harmony Prefix patch to edit __instance.Track so that music can have a probability to change on zone load.

Linked error.log and Player.log with all mods disabled in the manager except my Custom_Soundtrack

Comments (11)

  1. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    Ran many tests and I can say for sure that the problem seems completely gone. No warnings in the log, Bethesda Susa and others can be done entirely with no crash nor lag going to stratum 16, in quick succession or not. Feels super good, thank you so much!

  2. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    Not a bug but only thing I’d wish is for volume of sound effects to be less receded compared to music, or more exactly for sound effects and music volume to be subject to some amounts of normalization. I moved music and SE sliders in options but that’s not consistent. Apart from that, no crashes nor messages in the log!

  3. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    I noticed that some of the new ambient sounds (like Campire sounds, but Campfires created by the player don’t have this new sound) do set a max volume for music (or reduce it) so they can always be heard clearly with spatialization. If all sound effects are to eventually display the same effect, it will be very cool news so to not have to mess with volume sliders

  4. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    Bumping up this issue for a different problem: some players are reporting that music doesn't load correctly on Steam Deck. The mod is enabled and starting without errors nor crash, but only ambient and sound effects are playing. When I ask the player to set zone music to default through my mod, it plays and starts just fine.

    Since I’d see the same behavior if there was a typo in a filename or SoundManager.PlayMusic track, I believe it's a syntax issue. Maybe it's caused by extensions, which could be unneeded on Windows and mandatory on Linux. Or could be a compatibility issue with the way sounds are loaded from the Sounds folder on Linux? I don't have a deck myself :'(

  5. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    Small edit: a Linux player is reporting that music from the mod doesn't play on Linux altogether, not only on Deck

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