[#beta-bugs] mechanimist pilgrims don't actually go to the stilt-- expected behavior is that ...

Issue #701 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: lush wet ivy melinda 🌱

Message (jump):

<lush wet ivy melinda 🌱> mechanimist pilgrims don't actually go to the stilt-- expected behavior is that they do

Comments (4)

  1. Noelle Lavenza

    This appears to still be an issue. Some pilgrims are 'still', which means they lack the AIPilgrim part that makes them go on a pilgrimage to the Stilt. They're meant to only spawn at the Stilt, but may still be able to spawn via the FactionEncounters zone builder, since they lack ExcludeFromDynamicEncounters. Notably, this doesn’t occur with Mechanimist convert pilgrims, as the Mechanimist Convert Pilgrim Still is excluded from dynamic encounters.

  2. Noelle Lavenza

    One complicating issue: ExcludeFromDynamicEncounters itself also seems to make CheckStartPilgrimage always return false. This means Mechanimist Convert Pilgrims will also never start their pilgrimage, despite having IsPilgrim == true and DoesWander == true. It actually is unset on parts created by ConvertSpawner, so it’s a nonissue.

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