Add an option to display total damage dealt/received this turn on the dmg popup but keep the full message log

Issue #7058 new
Gokudera ElPsyCongroo created an issue

A middle ground between the Terse and Verbose messages options.

Comments (7)

  1. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    Would also look cool if the dmg popup was colored or styled differently for damage dealt/received, and also if the most significant damage (in this mode, and corresponding damage in the default one) was colored like in the message log: yellow if electrified etc.

  2. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    Also nice if this total dmg was displayed directly on the target’s tile instead of above it, ala Sil-Q or similar to the old heart hit popup.

  3. Gokudera ElPsyCongroo reporter

    If you don’t mind, could you notify me/mention it to the changelog when/if your version ships in the future so I can remove mine? Many thanks

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