Removing Helping Hands while wearing gloves on real hands causes gloves to get stuck at halved AV/DV

Issue #7065 resolved
Former user created an issue

Version, no mods.

There seems to be a bug when removing Helping Hands where the effect of averaging/halving the main pair of gloves' AV/DV fails to reset. So to get AV/DV to calculate right, those gloves have to be un-equipped and re-equipped.

Comments (5)

  1. Zapulater

    Just had this issue happen to me too. I demonstrated it with a quick video I took.

    1. With gloves that provide 4 AV, I initially have 12 AV with no helping hands.
    2. I put on helping hands, and the AV is properly updated to 10 AV, halving the AV of the gloves due to having two Worn on Hands slots.
    3. I take off helping hands and keep the gloves, but the AV received from the gloves is still halved, despite only having one Worn on Hands slot.

    Re-equipping the gloves fixes the AV value.

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