[#bugs] Have Irritable Genome and two mutation points. Went to raise my last unmaxxed m...

Issue #7126 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<jeffpaulgault> Have Irritable Genome and two mutation points. Went to raise my last unmaxxed mutation from 9 to 10. Irritable genome took it to 11

Comments (9)

  1. Autumn [wading]

    repro steps:

    • don’t take irritable genome at chargen. take exactly 2 physical mutations
    • wish “xp:122000” to become level 20 and put both rapid advances into one of them and not the other
    • wish “mutationbgone” to get rid of the mutation that was rapidly advanced, leaving you with only the level 1 mutation
    • assign 8 MP into your remaining mutation so that it is rank 9, then wish “mutation:Irritable Genome” and assign the last point

  2. John Snail

    Can confirm this happens, but it was marked as wontfix (#4627) and it’d be cool if it stayed that way. Due to the nature of Irritable Genome you can’t control what mutation this happens to at all, and chances are it’ll either not matter much or just max a mutation’s level normally. Irritable Genome could be changed to give 3 points to compensate, but it’ll break some builds and it’s already pretty detrimental to your character.

  3. Corey Frang

    mutation point was being "spent" before you gained the mutation level, so irritable would level to 10, and continuing along the earlier "spend" could push it to 11

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