[#bugs] Looks like I have the auto-explore bug again. I've been able to successfully aut...

Issue #7139 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<JinxLuckless> Looks like I have the auto-explore bug again. I've been able to successfully auto-explore at least 10 or 15 screens without issue, but now it's back.

(To recap, I hit auto-explore, my character beelines for a random location on the map, and just... stops there, without saying there's nowhere else to explore. If I leave that location, then hit auto-explore again, my character just goes straight back to it, not stopping to harvest any watervine if I'm within a tile or two of it.)

I was asked before if I had any waterskins/canteens auto-collecting, and I do. I have 5 waterskins collecting: blood(1), sap(1), honey(1), and water(2). None of them are full, if that matters.

I tried validating my files again, but it didn't find any issues this time.

Edited to note that when I reloaded the save, it auto-explored fine again. Normally it doesn't when this happens; it just keeps being weird, haha.

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