[#bugs] Made a character with horns, beak and hooks for feat. Took jab skill playing wit...

Issue #7167 invalid
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<Яob> Made a character with horns, beak and hooks for feat. Took jab skill playing with horns as primary. Whenever I charge the horns attack once and the beak and hooks attack twice, also when the right handed weapon does trigger it seems to make two attacks as well, though it doesn't trigger off of every charge the beak and hooks do... every time... twice. not that I'm complaining but I assume the game is trying to reassign the attack probability that the horns normally would have somewhere else while it's primary and weird interaction between the "100% attack on charge" and jab are not applying correctly?

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