'direct to stay there' option in follower dialog has no effect

Issue #738 wontfix
syntaxaire created an issue

Game version:

Steps to reproduce:

  • Start a new character, wish for xp:100000 and mutation:beguiling
  • Summon any creature
  • Beguile it
  • Direct the creature to stay
  • Move away and summon any hostile creature

Result: Creature you told to stay moves to attack the hostile creature

Expected: Creature you told to stay would not move at all

Comments (5)

  1. chaos

    By design. "Stay there" is not intended to override combat behavior, only their normal following their leader.

  2. syntaxaire reporter

    The context for this is that I was trying to keep my companion from suiciding into a chaingun nest, and without being able to direct it to not enter combat, I don’t see a way of doing this.

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