[modded] Can't install cybernetics on Face variants

Issue #7444 invalid
Gokudera ElPsyCongroo created an issue

Specifically arthropod variants (Antennae) from the Insectoid Genotypes mod. Face doesn’t appear in the selection. Other cybernetics seem to work, (though enabling Sifrah gives me Cybernetic Rejection Syndrome after a number of implants even though the Genotype - a mutant hybrid - has True Kin properties, but it’s another issue).

Not sure if:

  • It’s a bug with all arthoropod Face variants. Changing the type of Face variant to Mandibles for exemple (and rebuilding my body so I get it) still prevents face implants. Giving myself a regular Face works.
  • A bug with all parts that are Face variants
  • A bug with these specific cybernetics: I was trying to install technoscanner or bioscanner

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