[#bugs] Balance/economy issue: At present, dynamic turret tinkers outfit the turrets the...

Issue #7464 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Dij [snail-encrusted]

Message (jump):

<A Blessed Feline> Balance/economy issue: At present, dynamic turret tinkers outfit the turrets they create with a number of energy cells, with the tier of the cell depending on the tier of the turret. This means that following dynamic turret tinkers around in a high-tier zone and slaying the turrets they construct without touching the tinker itself allows you to endlessly farm antimatter cells and 8-bits, dropped by the harmless nullray turrets they construct. Dismembering or disarming the turrets also allows for infinitely farming bits by disassembling the weapons the turrets are equipped with. This can all be done at the deep jungle surface, which is tier 6 and frequently generates dynamic turret tinkers who build nullray turrets. Possible ways to mitigate this would be to put a hard limit on the number of turrets each tinker can construct, and/or to give the turret tinker itself a method of attacking the player to make it more dangerous to follow it around and slay its turrets as they are created. Another possibility to mitigate the first issue but not the second would be to give all turrets onboard power systems, and simply having them generate without energy cells

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    Personally, nullray turrets being the loot pouch of the underground is a fountain to me; I want it to exist. However having that occur on the surface is of course problematic as mentioned. Rather than changing the nature of nullray turrets or turrets in general if this was to be modified at all I’d prefer an approach that just made surface looting like that less easy.
    Same thing with disarming for weapons/cells/bits in general.

  2. Jason Grinblat

    tinker-tinkered turrets should probably be jacked and not drop bits/cells, per most other logic for summons.

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