Standing/swimming/wading in water sounds far more like slime than it used to

Issue #7470 wontfix
Meaning created an issue

Prior to the beta branch, spending a turn in water generated a sound easily recognizable as a splash. With the addition of new sounds, most of which are phenomenal, spending time in water, blood, salt, slime, etc now generates the same sound that I can only describe as “goopy.”

I humbly recommend that the old splash sound is brought back, at least for water and salt, while other thicker liquids such as slime, goo, or gel maintain the current sound. As it stands, the sound of swimming or wading doesn’t at all match how it would sound like it should for thin liquids such as water. Either a total reversion to the old splashing sound or a partial reversion for liquids such as water would be wonderful, as the new sound is rather distracting--even unintentionally comedic.

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