Scrap skills in favor of an enhancement/advancement system?

Issue #7569 wontfix
Gokudera ElPsyCongroo created an issue

I’ve never been a big fan of skills in roguelikes since they seem to enforce fixed progression amid the otherwise random nature of “do with what you find”. Instead of skills being tied to points, maybe skills could be tied to actions?

For example:

  • Using a class of weapon enough would give access to skills as our proficency with these weapons increases;
  • Slaying a legendary master of the discipline give access to the more powerful skills either through big proficiency increases or unlocking of secret skills, kind of like how slaying an extradimentional hunter can transfer Ego;
  • Some skills could be locked behind some secrets or random events, like Wilderness lore.
  • Skills could also be tied to attributes, with fewer attributes points in general and no points levelling up, instead improving stats the more skills you unlocked (or directly through actions)

I realize most of my proposals could be mods actually… Sorry about that, maybe someday

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