[#beta-bugs] Villages often generate with a strange structure at the very northwest corner of the village

Issue #7615 resolved
Ashe created an issue

A Blessed Feline: Villages often generate with a strange structure at the very northwest corner of the village, consisting of disjointed walls and furniture. These structures always lack the northern and western walls, and the walls that they have are often full of evenly-spaced holes. These structures are often full of a jumble of furniture, and may contain the village oven or a significant NPC. On some occasions they generate without walls, with only a significant NPC, a gravelly floor and clustered furniture. Another bug present in this same save is the Γ-shaped walls that belong to no building, but that occasionally generate in villages and take up a lot of space


A Blessed Feline: It's as though the game had tried and failed to generate several tiny houses, all overlapping each other and all with their own furniture and their own non-overlapping paths to each other to explain the holes in the walls

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