warm static leading to second nervous pseudopod in a sludge

Issue #7734 resolved
Former user created an issue

I was doing some experimentation with trying to see what warm static did to a soupy sludge.

I created a sludge with about 6 liquids, including brain brine, and saw that all the appropriate psuedopods grew. Then, I spawned in a zero jell with a wish, killed it, then spat the dilute warm static onto the sludge with a blige spinchter. The sludge reacted with it, became entropic, but grew a second nervous pseudopod. Is this because entropic sludges aren't really implemented yet?

Secondarily, had first tried creating an entropic soupy sludge by pouring some warm static into primordial soup in the rainbow forest - but this just transformed the soup underneath it instead of mixing. I know warm static transforms whatever you pour it on, but maybe this would make sense as an exception?

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