Game Crashes on loading ObjectsBlueprints.xml after build 204.37

Issue #7740 resolved
Justin Healy created an issue

I hadn’t played CoQ in a while and when I tried to start it up yesterday (most current build not in the beta branch), the game crashed on me almost right away, without any error message. I rolled back to the previous build (204.48) with the same results. I kept rolling back until the game would start again. I had to roll back to build 204.37 for it to load without crashing.

I looked through my Event Viewer application errors and found that Exception code: 0xc0000005 and Exception code: 0xc0000374 were present. I’m not currently having any issues with other applications that I am aware of and I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game as well as removing the Caves of Qud folder within the LowRoaming folder.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Comments (3)

  1. Ashe

    I can’t repro, you’ll wanna check your player.log to see if it says anything, otherwise if you’re running it through steam, make sure to disable any workshop mods. Also try verify integrity of game files if on steam.

    I’m not really familiar with the error codes, but it sounds like some kind of memory or drive error? Might wanna try running windows memory diagnostic, do an sfc scan, and get a program that checks the integrity of your drives in case that’s the cause.

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