Companions ignore "move to" order whenever taking damage often leading to their unavoidable death

Issue #7811 new
Former user created an issue

When ordering companions to "move" or "stay put," they will only react to the most recent input, be that an order or being attacked. While retaliating during "stay put" is necessary to protect themselves, if a companion takes damage during a "move" command it will often lead to their unavoidable death as they end up caught in a cycle of being told to move, taking damage, and trying to run in and fight. This is lethal without direct player intervention in most cases, especially when dealing with turrets.

In addition, any time the "move" command is given companions seem to hesitate a turn or two before doing anything INCLUDING retaliating to damage which exacerbates the issue. From my experience the only way to escape the scenario of a ranged attacker focused on a companion is either somehow preventing them from taking any damage at all or killing the attacker. Often even if you catch the companion (telling them to move) before fighting starts its fruitless due to the hesitation to start moving. Companions can SOMETIMES move away from melee combat but if they hesitate a turn as discussed before they will be hit again and brought back into combat.

From my observations I believe the AI is confused between the defensive stance retaliation and the move order, sometimes even doing neither. The unavoidable lethality of this problem makes companions quite unattractive and nerve wracking to use in many cases, often feeling more like a liability of the investment (huge investment in the case of water ritual companions which also lack the health bonus of beguile) than a help.

Ideally I would like companions to ONLY move directly to their ordered position when told to move. This would be a simple, elegant solution as the distance chosen would help dictate how long they should remain passive in addition to a safe location.

I've included a test save with a chaingun turret north of the player in a corridor which a companion can be ordered to move past. Thank you very much for your time!

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