ruin of house isner secret not appearing in games that have saved

Issue #8034 resolved
Limaximus Lamb created an issue for version, but this bug has likely been around a lot longer than that. essentially, the ruin of house isner secret can be found near instantly on any game that has not saved yet (checkpoint saves are fine), but once a save occurs, the secret no longer appears to be in any book.

Comments (5)

  1. Ray

    In XRL.World.Parts.MarkovBook.EnsureCorpusLoaded(), Isner clues are added to the corpus via XRL.MarkovChain.AppendSecret(), which adds the clues directly to the XRL.MarkovChainData’s Chain, which is not serialized. This is an issue, as clues are never loaded back into the corpus when the game gets loaded from a save (AddedMarkovSecrets gets set to 1 and thus never runs)

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