[#bugs] targeting with missile weapons has been behaving strangely for me, like if I tar...

Issue #8123 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<clay> targeting with missile weapons has been behaving strangely for me, like if I target something and then kill it when I hit t again the "reticle" is still on the square of the previous enemy/current corpse and does not automatically move to the next enemy. Firel has been experiencing this as well.

Just made a gunwing on a fresh save with no mods and could replicate this behavior.

Seems to be related to the Akimbo perk, when the first shot (or presumably any shot except the last) kills an enemy and another shot is fired at the same space.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe
    • changed status to open

    Had this reoccuring on latest patch. eigenrifle + freeze ray on a svardym jut, target reticle stayed on their polyp sword drop. Seems to be happening to others still also.

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