Limbs and inventory all messed up after eating cloaca surprise as chimera

Issue #8157 new
jojoknob created an issue

Ate cloaca surprise and several odd things happened to my limbs and equipment. I was a chimera with many additional body parts.

  • Two of my equipped inventory items cannot be removed, but they can be dropped. The item will appear on the ground and I can walk away from it, but it will show up still “equipped” on the same limb, but not actually. It is as if it is in my inventory but merely displayed in the equipment. I can interact with the item at a distance, and I can even get it and it will return as if in my inventory, though never leaving my equipment screen.
  • One of my limbs cannot equip items and simply says ? *PooledObject.

* Link to save file. Which is rather large.

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