Inconsistency in worn over wings slot with crystal delight anatomy

Issue #8175 new
Former user created an issue

Crystal delight transformation on a character with wings mutation will remove the back slot to match the new anatomy. Mutating wings afterward will grant the player a 'Worn over Wings' back slot. This inconsistency makes the intended interaction unclear. There is also a very notable order sensitivity to mutations that grant natural weapons or depend on body parts, particularly (but not limited to) Flaming and Freezing Ray in regards to anatomy changes. Such a mutation only benefits from parts at the time it is taken. A player having taken Freezing Ray in their face slot for example would see no benefit in the damage from gaining many smooth faces or chimeric faces. Taking that same mutation afterward would grant the full benefit.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Grinblat
    1. getting a back on your crystal body because of wings is okay
    2. decorate routine on body parts isn’t being correctly called

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