[#bugs] Seems like I have somehow caused another thawzone exception in my game. Only ha...

Issue #8237 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<A Saxy Beantyl> Seems like I have somehow caused another thawzone exception in my game. Only happens for villages. There was a weird thing yesterday where I got a schroedinger's page for a village, but the villagaes location was actually a ruins in the deep jungle and wasn't labeled as an abandoned village.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    Potential context:

    A Saxy Beantyl: I think in Bethesda Susa one of the stairwells went down straight into a cryochamber meant for Saad. Saad was not there lol

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