[#beta-bugs] Bara should *probably* give you a pickaxe, considering how rare they are outside...

Issue #83 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: kindlethumbed helado

Message (jump):

<Mallorn> Bara should probably give you a pickaxe, considering how rare they are outside of a random location nobody really knows about without the wiki

Comments (4)

  1. syntaxaire

    [2:51 PM] kindlethumbed helado: is there a specific main questline thing you need a pickaxe for?

    [2:52 PM] Mallorn: Not sure, he just mentions to bring a pickaxe

    [2:53 PM] kindlethumbed helado: oh okay that probably answers the question then

    [2:54 PM] kindlethumbed helado: my real question probably should have been "why a pickaxe specifically?" which that answers

    [2:55 PM] Mallorn: I mean it's either that, or bara shouldn't mention a pickaxe

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