Proposal setting to allow followers, deployed turrets and mines to target non-hostile factions

Issue #8369 wontfix
jojoknob created an issue

I’m playing True Kin on wander mode and developed a positive rep with Putus Templar, which broke the game mechanic of defending Grit Gate as none of my followers, turrets, or mines would target Templar. Incidentally, this scenario was mentioned as potentially problematic for breaking the story in the recent PC Gamer interview. Some proposals:

  • Mines should always detonate when anyone steps on them, i.e. they should have “no knowledge” of faction reputation.
  • Give deployed turrets an extremely aggressive or friendly fire mode where they target everything or everything that isn’t in the party.
  • Give turrets, maybe all robots or all followers, a setting to have faction-specific targeting rules.
  • Have a target individual or target group option in the follower screen.

Could think of this as a “betrayal” mechanic rather than just unraveling the faction reputation system.

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    It's not the full picture of what you want, but you can "direct to Attack target" any of your followers, including turrets

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