[#bugs] in the new update it seems like allies/neutral entities don't move unless they'r...

Issue #8394 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<DeerlyYours> in the new update it seems like allies/neutral entities don't move unless they're engaging a hostile enemy (existing save, not sure about new saves) and the "calm" wish doesnt change this

Comments (5)

  1. Ashe

    ERROR:Exception during turn it's also automatically on clipboard so just paste into IM or e-mail to support@freeholdentertainment.com: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at XRL.World.AI.GoalHandlers.Bored.TryAbilities () [0x00013] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.World.AI.GoalHandlers.Bored.TakeAction () [0x00183] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.World.Parts.Brain.HandleEvent (XRL.World.CommandTakeActionEvent E) [0x004d1] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.World.CommandTakeActionEvent.handlePartDispatch (XRL.World.IPart Part) [0x00000] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEventInner (XRL.World.MinEvent E, System.Int32 ID) [0x0004b] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEvent[T] (T E) [0x002cc] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.World.CommandTakeActionEvent.Check (XRL.World.GameObject Object) [0x0004e] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 
      at XRL.Core.ActionManager.RunSegment (System.Boolean bUnityDebug) [0x00374] in <39fe0ac302ad403589462ad107b5570d>:0 

  2. Rembert Moesick

    Crazy how much less alive the world feels without wandering NPC’s. It looks like they don’t take any actions outside of combat related ones.

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