[#beta-bugs] (Edit: I have posted my conclusions about this tagged [Keybind Conflict Bug])I ...

Issue #8421 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<EveryZig314> (Edit: I have posted my conclusions about this tagged [Keybind Conflict Bug])
I have encountered the menu stuck bug again (or a menu stuck bug? I am not sure if it is the same one).
What I did:
Make a new character
Reset key bindings
Do normal Joppa starting stuff
Ran around some in Joppa trying to press button rapidly to see if the menu error would occur (it did not at this point)
Went one tile north
Minor bug: Make Camp was still listed as having a key binding despite it being reset
Confirmed that Make Camp was indeed unbound
Bind keys for Make Camp and Bask
Made a camp fire, and confirmed that the ctrl-arrow attack is working properly now
Opened up the key binding menu again (planning to make a binding for Sprint)
This is when the error occurred. The key bind menu is now open and frozen as far as I can tell; not responding to any keys or clicks

Comments (7)

  1. Ashe

    EveryZig314: [Keybind Conflict Bug]: This bug occurs when attempting to bind an ability to a key that is also one of the letter keys for activating an ability from the ability menu. In my case, I was trying to bind Bask to "b", while "b" in the ability list corresponded to one of the abilities in the list. The ability in the list as "b" is then activated, which closes the ability menu in an unintended way, which seems to put the game in a "menu open" error state. Trying to open the ability menu again leads to it being stuck. In this state, the ability menu cannot be exited with Esc or the escape button. I have found just now that pressing a key matching an ability on the list will use that ability and close the ability menu, though there seems to be some weird "menu open" status set that causes the ability menu to be stuck again when opened again.
    This "menu open" error state also causes problems with the Esc menu matching the Esc problems I encountered before: pressing the Esc key does not work for opening or closing the menu unless I hold it for a bit, and when the Esc menu is open moving the selection with arrow keys also does not work until I hold them.

  2. Ashe

    EveryZig314: It seems that there is a workaround to get out of the "menu open" error state, which is to hold down Esc until the Esc menu opens and then press c to open the Key Mapping menu. Entering that menu state apparently gets the game out of the "menu open" error state. (I am not sure why that applies to the Key Mapping menu but not the Abilities menu,)

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