[#bugs] pettable creatures with multiple petting results are now displaying all of them ...

Issue #8480 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: special guest eva problems

Message (jump):

<special guest eva problems> pettable creatures with multiple petting results are now displaying all of them at once when pet

Comments (5)

  1. eva problems

    i’ve been testing this with my clactobelle mod but her pet responses were originally modeled after man opener. on stable, i had to change her PetResponse tag to look like:

    <tag Name="PetResponse" Value="=subject.T= =verb:shake= =pronouns.possessive= wings out in a cloud of glimmering dust.,=subject.T= =verb:ram= =pronouns.possessive= head into =object.name's= petting appendage.,=subject.T= =verb:say= 'Oh!',=subject.T= =verb:say= 'Thank you!',=subject.T= =verb:say= 'I didn't tell you to stop!',=subject.T= =verb:wiggle= =pronouns.possessive= antennae.,=subject.T= =verb:perch= on =object.t=." />

    which still means that all of them happen at the same time, but they grammatically agree with whoever is petting her. not so on the input alpha:

    if i hadn’t changed her PetResponse entries into =subject.T= =verb= =pronouns.possessive= constructs then they’d still probably work fine, except grammatically when other critters tried to pet her. then again, no one else is trying to pet her on this alpha character. did the petting behavior changes make it into the input alpha?

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