Suddenly can't use stairs?

Issue #8500 resolved
William Cyr created an issue

I’m in Red Rock on a floor where there is only one escape route--stairs down. I used stairs plenty of times before by pressing spacebar and clicking 5 on the number pad, but this time it will not work no matter what I do. I tried pressing “l” to look at the stairs and pressed “d” to descend, and then it told me I had to press “>” to descend (why offer “d” as a choice then?). I pressed “>” over the stairs, no luck. Some people online said you can use stairs with “+” or “-”, no luck. I’m stuck and I literally cannot progress or go back.

Using the Steam version as of June 6th, 2023.

Comments (5)

  1. William Cyr reporter

    Good Lord, this game is so weird. I shift clicked ">" and got a message that says that there is a puddle of water in the way, and that I need to "Move D" to enter. What? Pressing "D" does NOTHING. Apparently I just needed to shift click ">" again to descend, and then it worked fine.

    But WHY does it say "Move D" when it means SHIFT + ">"? That has to be some sort of bug, right?

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