[#bugs] Glotrot plus regeneration causing run-ending tongue growth+rot loop

Issue #8616 resolved
Urotsuki created an issue

On my current run I have regeneration lvl 4, with glotrot, and I am stuck in the following (approximately) 4 steps cycle (and by steps I mean actual in-game steps taken, by my character).

1 - I take a step, my tongue begins to rot, I start bleeding and take damage.
2- I take another step, my tongue falls off.
3 - I take another step, my tongue regrows.
4 - I take another step, lucky one, nothing happens, goto step 1.
This makes it so I am taking more damage than I can heal, so my character is dead unless I happen to already know the cure and have ingredients on hand.

I assume that the cycle being this short has to be unintentional. This also causes prompt everytime.

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