Snapjaw Fort found, Quest not updated

Issue #8628 resolved
JK Atula created an issue

Playing mac version on Steam. Spawned in Habashur. Received 2 starting quests, first was easily done (drink from divine jug) but the second stalled out.
Reads as follows:

A Snapjaw Fort

  • Find a Snapjaw Fort

    • Locate a snapjaw fort, located north along the river that runs through Namooru-Tep’s Orchard.
  • Return to Habashur

    • Return to Habashur and speak to Governor Pabsoric Emnnaspard.

Snapjaw Fort was to the immediate N of Orchard. Multiple prompts occurred, I believe they may have interrupted quest progression. At the time I had assumed I stumbled on a random fort that happened to be on the route. Have yet to discover another fort.

I’ve wished for quest progress.

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