raising ape god intelligence gives low skill point boost on level up

Issue #8766 open
jojoknob created an issue

The ape god has intelligence 11 (-3), which I raised with 8 kindrish and an overpowered co-processor psychodyne helmet to 41 (+12). He had been leveled once prior without a boost for a gain of 4, so did not receive the 50 base for mutants, just the (11-10)*4 for his intelligence. I expected a massive boost in skill points as explained on the wiki. The result was an additional 218 points, which is more than (41-10)*4 = 174 but less than what you would expect if he also got retroactive credit for all of his 40 levels, which afaik would occur for the player character. If you permadom the ape god before doing this, the level up says you have received 54 skill points, which is the unmodified amount, though the real skill point gain is 218. If I understand the math, a player character who had had 11 intelligence for 40 level-ups would be expected to get a temporary boost of 40*((41-10)*4-(11-10)*4) = 4800 skill points.

Comments (3)

  1. jojoknob reporter

    It’s possible I misstated the idea that the ape god did not get +50 for being a mutant on level up. I very well may have spent that 50 on a skill and not remembered.

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