[#beta-bugs] Since the patch, for adding to container neither f2 or + are working now (as def...

Issue #8792 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: orblover99

Message (jump):

<everyzig314> Since the patch, for adding to container neither f2 or + are working now (as default key bindings; I was able to change the binding once I found where it was)

Comments (5)

  1. Limaximus Lamb

    to add to this - it seems like rebinding num+ to store items unbinds it from v positive, leaving you unable to expand all categories in your inventory.

  2. Brian Bucklew repo owner

    ok so the change was + and - collapse/expand categories on that screen now as is standard for lal screens, so it's a little nonsensicle for + to store items. I might suggest binding * on the numpad to store items if you want something right there.

    or even ctrl+(numpad plus)

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