[#bugs] Might not be a bug, but just in case. The "you get one free turn to act when you...

Issue #8869 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<Vis> Might not be a bug, but just in case. The "you get one free turn to act when you visit a zone for the first time" rule seems dependant on quickness. QN lower than 100 means it can sometimes fail. I'm unsure if this is because it's less than 100, or if it's based on your QN compared compared to other creatures, but other creatures typically have 100 QN.

Comments (1)

  1. Brian Bucklew repo owner

    when entering a zone the very first time the player should get popped to the top of the action stack with 1000 energy.

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