[#bugs] The Colorblind Friendly Night Vision Bug

Issue #8899 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<Yursen> On using nightvision with the colorblind friendly setting enabled, all Legendary heros appear as normal color mobs. Wasn't sure if this was an intentional change or accidental.

Comments (12)

  1. Ashe

    This happens with penetrating radar too reportedly. In either case it will only occur if that’s your only source of vision to the creature.

  2. Ashe

    This also applies to villagers with special colour schemes like mayors, wardens, tinkers, apothecaries and special legendaries. Tattooed villagers seemed to work fine still.

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