Take all + sensed hostiles bug

Issue #8927 open
Mothnox created an issue

Version: (though I believe I encountered it in a non-beta version some time back as well)

OS: Windows 10

Steps to reproduce: While standing on a pile of multiple different items while an enemy is within sensing (but not seeing, for instance, via enhanced hearing or smell) range, press the key to Get. Then, select an item, opening its menu, but instead of taking it, back out of the item’s menu and press the key to Take All.

Expected outcome: The message that you refrain from gathering due to sensing the enemy will display, and then the game will proceed as usual

What happens: After closing the message that you refrained from gathering, the list of items turns into a list of nearby creatures.

Notes: Selecting a creature in the list brings up the menu for that creature, as if you had selected them in Look mode. Most options only work if you’re in range (such as chat), but even creatures that couldn’t normally be selected have the functional option to show effects. More concerningly, the attack option works on any creature regardless of distance.

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