Inventory menu hotkey bug

Issue #8998 resolved
CRR created an issue

I'm seeing some keybind bugs in the menus on the new 205.49 beta branch:

There's now a conflict between the 'Fire missile weapon' keybind (default: F) and hotkeys in the inventory and equipment screen. If you press F as a shortcut in these screens (for example, to bring up an item or equipment slot), nothing will happen; it's a dead key. If you change the fire missile keybind to another letter, that letter will now similarly not function in the menus, but F will.

I've also noticed that the keys to switch menus (numpad 7 and 9, or shift+up and shift+right for me: I'm on a numpad-less laptop) have also stopped working, so maybe there's a broader bug with some keys that are bound to actions in the adventure context deadening the keys' actions in the menu context.

If it's relevant, I see these bugs with or without the 'macOS unity keybind bug workaround' option (which I hadn't been using on previous patches).

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