[beta] consistent performance issues lead to inconsistent inputs

Issue #9016 resolved
eva problems created an issue

there’s regular hitching every few seconds of active play. the input buffering didn’t particularly help keep inputs consistent. the hitching might kick in when calculating a new turn (this character has very high movespeed). it often leads to either dropped or repeated inputs. 6 directional keypad inputs spread evenly over about 2 seconds has led to anywhere between 3-6 tiles actually traversed. single presses of “go up one level” when poised on the up stairs 1 strata below the surface has led to me rocketing up to the world map (though setting the key repeat delay to the first level seems to have cut down on this). single presses on the world map can lead to multiple parasangs traversed (again, key repeat delay helps negate this, but considering it keeps resetting to 0 every time the game boots, that’s more paperwork every time to avoid unwanted behavior). i’ve been noticing the hitching pretty much all through this run, regardless of map/save size.

this behavior is all on my desktop, which is running an AMD Ryzen 5 3400G 3.70 GHz processor and 32 GB of ram. if it’s good enough to run elden ring i feel like it shouldn’t struggle to run qud, just on principle. i can test with my beefier gaming laptop and see if i’m still having the hitching problems.

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