Should glotrot force micromenumanagment?

Issue #9021 resolved
Corey Frang created an issue

Glotrot is currently occasionally forcing you to spit putrescence back into things you drink from, which leads to a general need to start doing a lot of inventory micromanagment to not ruin all of your water and still survive. This continues even after you’ve drank the Ick if you haven’t yet been able to regrow the tongue.

I understand that this is sort of a meta-punishing thing that really forces home the suckness of the infection, but considering this infection even getting to this point grossly sways towards the less experienced player (most people cooking their way around it, or any of the other ways to avoid it), should we be making the micromanagment of water on this level a thing?

A couple of alternate ideas / suggestions to change it:

  • Instead of vomiting back into the skin, vomit on ground and drink an additional 2 drams to still get thirst quenched - still creates an extra draw on the water without making it about micro inventory actions, still plenty of space for gross popups telling you about vomit…
  • Generally stop the “poisoning my own water supply” behavior after drinking the ick in cases where they don’t have a source of regenerating a limb yet.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    This seems fine, let’s just change the glotrot 436 block to spit the putrid water on the ground and not poison the water supply

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