Lag, menu strangeness and hundreds of exceptions

Issue #9059 open
Mothnox created an issue


OS: Windows 10

Notes: Uncertain as to the cause, and unable to reproduce, but posting this just in case it’s helpful. While exploring under Oboroqoru's lair, I very suddenly started getting extreme lag, with turns taking several seconds. Just before this, I had defeated an enemy, and then pressed space next to a puddle of fresh water, but I'm not sure if that has any relation. I checked my player.log, and noticed that every turn, hundreds of lines worth of errors were being generated. Additionally, after I pressed esc to open and then close the menu, the next time I pressed esc, the keybinds menu opened instead, generating a different error. Continuing to press esc would switch alternately between opening and closing the pause menu, and opening and closing the keybinds menu. When opening the options menu, it was quite buggy, initially only showing volume options and not showing any of the categories on the left, as seen in 'nooptions.png'. After scrolling, more options appeared, as seen in 'options.png'. I was not able to exit the options menu by pressing esc or clicking the back arrow, but I managed to exit it by pressing Q, which opened the quest menu, which I was able to then exit by pressing esc. After this, everything was back to normal. The lag was gone, no errors were being generated in the player.log, pressing esc worked as expected, and the options menu displayed properly.

The error from opening the keybinds menu with esc was:

ERROR - minimap update :System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at QupKit.ThreadTaskQueue.queueSingletonTask (System.String TaskID, System.Action a, System.Boolean OverwritePrevious) [0x0007b] in <88d5362ad41b4d93a75da649afcbb4fa>:0
  at XRL.Core.ActionManager.UpdateMinimap () [0x001b7] in <88d5362ad41b4d93a75da649afcbb4fa>:0 

Ignore the crash at the end of the log. That always happens when I exit the game.

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