Items unequip and disappear at random!

Issue #9093 invalid
Leonard Frankel created an issue

Three times now, I’ve had a message that some item of mine has been unequipped - without me actually doing anything to unequip it - and then when I went into my inventory to look for it it had disappeared.

Most recently it’s happened underground in baroque ruins, with my hoversled. Each time it’s happened I wasn’t doing anything in particular.

Happy to make my save file available, though even zipped it’s pretty large. I’ve attached my player.log. Note that Qud has lately been crashing when I exit the game, so there is an exception in there but it’s not the problem I’m reporting.

Comments (6)

  1. Leonard Frankel reporter

    I think I just had it happen with my cybernetics, too! I went to change my equipment to find that my gun rack was gone.

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