[#modding] while trying to make it so that fences are closed behind the player automaticall...

Issue #9166 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Sol, sky orb

Message (jump):

<Sol, sky orb> while trying to make it so that fences are closed behind the player automatically, i ran into various issues with the Door part:

  • when AttemptOpen calls AttemptClose, it never passes on IgnoreMobility or IgnoreSpecialConditions
  • AttemptClose only checks "special conditions" if IgnoreSpecialConditions is true, which is backwards
  • these special conditions are encoded as CapableOfClosing, which returns false in the general case when it ought to return true
  • while CanOpen exists, there is no CanClose. together with the fact that AttemptClose outputs messages to the message log on failure, there's no adequate function i can call to silently check whether all the conditions for closing a door are present (this would include, for example, whether something is blocking the door)

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