[#beta-bugs] Most options in campfire menu are missing the letters to choose them with. Only...

Issue #9175 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Dij [pipi tomo-encrusted]

Message (jump):

<samv123> Most options in campfire menu are missing the letters to choose them with. Only "Whip up a meal" still has a corresponding letter to select. I can no longer select "Choose ingredients to cook with" by pressing the letter I or "Preserve your fresh foods" with the letter F. The oven menu is also missing letter choices.

Comments (6)

  1. eva problems

    think this is due to “Item manipulation popups now correctly exclude already-used hotkeys for actions” which i have to admit i don’t understand the use-case for, especially when many actions are desirable to repeat frequently. i’ve noticed this behavior when “use” brings up a context menu (like with cooking) and when you open a context menu from [l]ooking, but not, thankfully, when you open a context menu from “interact nearby”

  2. eva problems

    ah, now i see the use-case for excluding already-used hotkeys. i had use bound to [u] and now it properly ignores that on context menus where [u] is an option. it’s just now, depending on how you approach a context menu, it might just prune ALL commands bound to other keys

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