"Stand up" after knocked prone seems oddly sequenced according to log

Issue #9187 open
jojoknob created an issue

On a shield slam during a charge, if the mob is knocked prone they will both attack and get up in the same turn as the charge, then do nothing on the next turn, at least according to the log. It makes sense to me that their action is to get up on the second turn which is why they do nothing else, but the log does not suggest that.

A related but separate issue is that if the mob dies during the turn in which they are knocked prone it can appear as if being knocked prone has no consequence whatsoever, as they are able to attack in the same turn they are knocked prone. I would suggest either:

  • Clarify that the attack is from the prone position (if indeed they are attacking with the prone agility penalty).
  • If they cannot attack from prone, make the “get up” action mandatory before being able to attack, and keep the get up action in the same turn as being knocked down. This means they cannot attack until the round after prone. This essentially buffs the charge shield slam because mobs who die during the charge won’t have a chance to attack.
  • If on the other hand the counterattack is prior to or simultaneous with the charge, then have the counterattack message appear before the knocked prone message.
  • Consider being able to counterattack against a shield charge depend on an agility save. The RP of this is that low agility characters are caught off guard but high agility can meet the charge.

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