[#beta-bugs] When equipping Flume-Flier of the Sky Bear, the `"You have gained the activated ...

Issue #9258 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Sol, sky orb

Message (jump):

<kernelmethod> When equipping Flume-Flier of the Sky Bear, the "You have gained the activated ability Activate Flume-Flier" message pops up twice.

In addition -- and this second part has been difficult to steadily reproduce -- the Activate Flume-Flier ability will sometimes, but not always, appear twice in the new ability menu. At first it seemed like this bug would only occur the first time I equipped the Flume-Flier but not subsequent times, and that closing + restarting the game would cause the bug to appear again. But after trying this several times it seems like this behavior isn't totally consistent (i.e., sometimes after restarting the game the bug doesn't crop up); so I'm not 100% sure what conditions may be needed to reproduce this second issue.

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