[patron bugs] extant mutation offered when purchasing a new one with 4 MP

Issue #9347 resolved
eva problems created an issue

i had multiple arms at level 2 (though my lower left hand was missing from a madpole attack). it offered me multiple arms for one of my choices so i took it to see what would happen. this sent multiple arms to the bottom of my character sheet at level 1. it replaced my “lower arms” with a set of “arms (2)” and corresponding hand/glove slots - this also reclassified my “upper arms” as just “arms” and gave me the message “You have lost all of your lower hands” in the log. this also unequipped my 2H sword with no message, but iirc that’s standard behavior for equipment slots toggling on and off like that.

this save should be from immediately before i bought a new mutation but then i forgot i hadn’t submitted this bug and kept playing for a bit

Comments (5)

  1. eva problems reporter

    i tested to see if the missing limb was affecting the spread of mutations it offered me and it wasn’t, it just really wanted me to take multiple arms again but worse

  2. Armithaig

    can’t repro any of these mutation bugs 😰 meals eating mutations or missing rap. advances

    seems to be a different save? no marms gunwing in there

  3. eva problems reporter

    oh hell i must have attached the wrong save. brian commented on i think my “rapid advancements aren’t working” issue that the player’s body was going null when saving/loading but now i can’t find that issue - if that was hotfixed then y’all might be in the clear for these because now i can’t repro either of these on new saves. on my old save, when i hit my next rapid advancement milestone, it gave me one but only let it apply to physical mutations i had either wished in to replace the ones cooking ate or new ones i’d purchased since starting.

  4. Armithaig

    holding thumbs, brian ultimately couldn't repro his issue either and we've heard of nothin' similar

    my best guess'd be that your genotype was unset somehow, and were no longer considered a mutant

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