All recoilers have Imprint option

Issue #9405 invalid
Glowreef created an issue

Included in Sept 29 updates - “The default interaction for programmable and reprogrammable recoilers in your inventory is now "imprint" if they have not yet been imprinted.”

Imprint seems to be available and default on all recoilers now.

Noticed it on the basic Joppa recoiler on a new start. Went a few layers underground, filled inventory, went to recoil back to Joppa… and the default was set to Imprint instead. Tested it and worked, recoiler reprogrammed.

Comments (3)

  1. chaos

    Unable to replicate and also literally impossible. The "imprint" interaction is handled by a part that non-programmable recoilers don't even have. If you have something called a Joppa recoiler that has a usable imprint interaction, it's a reprogrammable recoiler that has been imprinted at Joppa and therefore has a display name of "Joppa recoiler".

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