[#beta-bugs] Bug: Horns does not benefit from Multiweapon Fighting, but does appear to have a...

Issue #9435 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<everyzig314> Bug: Horns does not benefit from Multiweapon Fighting, but does appear to have a separate 20% and 15% chance to hit when not the main hand.
Edit: When the mainhand is Horns and the only offhand is a 2h sword, it appears that you have a 75% chance of hitting with the 2h sword but no 15% or 20% chance of a normal offhand hit (unlike with two 1h swords)
So the current stituation appears to be
2h main + Horns: Main hit + 15% of Offhand hit + 20% of Natural Weapon hit
Horns main + 2h: Main hit + 75% of Multiweapon hit (no extra offhand it)
1h + 1h (no horns): Main hit + 75% of Multiweapon hit + 15% of Offhand hit

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