Trash cannot be rifled through if occupying the same square as a tree

Issue #9505 resolved
Douglas Torrance created an issue

With Rifle Through Trash active, trash squares cannot be rifled through if occupying the same square as a tree. I’m not sure if this occurs with trash squares are occupied by other entities that the player can step onto. Also, I’m not sure if trash and another entity spawning on the same square in intended or not.

Comments (3)

  1. Douglas Torrance reporter

    Addendum: It appears there was actually an issue with the activated skill, as further testing revealed no trash would be rifled through even though the skill was set to “on” (as a result of purchasing the skill). Once the skill was set to “off” and then back to “on”, it began functioning as expected including for trash squares also occupied with a tree.

  2. Corey Frang

    double checked this - fixed one small thing that might've caused this, re-open if it's still happening after 10/15

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